Wednesday, May 27, 2009


In current North American culture, there are many popular terms referring to types of psychological and/or physical interaction between human beings: gay, homosexual, lesbian, straight, buddy, babe, dear, darling, male-bonding, etc.

However, another term is rarely used except to be disparaged and critiqued by homosexuals. This word is heterosexual - denoting complementary (as distinct from supplementary) interaction between two life entities representing the two different and complementary sexes involved in procreational endeavor (procreation as distinct from creation or mere reproduction)

ADDENDUM: Although, this present blogger will compare and contrast heterosexual marriage and homosexual 'marriage' in a later posting, it may be noted that, as of this date, the U.R.L. remains available for a homosexual to procure and use. I would read his/her ideas carefully.

The present blogger does here proffer his perception that male homosexuals achieve, in the present, an existential status akin to that of being An Immortal. Presumably, this phenomenon ends at the point of death because it is a mortal immortality.

ADDENDUM #2: It seems that, in contemporary politically-correct parlance, there is only one "sex" - but two "genders". Application forms now ask for a person's "gender" - male or female.

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