Monday, May 31, 2010


In the lyrics of Only the Good Die Young, Billy Joel writes/sings about a young man addressing a young woman: "...your mother told you all that I could give you was a reputation". More personally, a young woman once told me: "I am living proof that you have a future to look forward to."

The present blogger perceives that a female as incarnate spirit (see Post #XV) for a male is an incarnate (embodied) future for him while he, physically and psychosocially, gives/donates a carnal past (ie, "a reputation") to her.

I perceive that there is no such thing as a 'free-standing' future - so that a man who does not have/possess a woman, has no future. Of course every male starts off having such an incarnate future, his mother - and she may suffice for some men.

Somewhat similarly, a female can rely on a male conceptual archetype such as the "God" of Genesis 1 as her past, her "reputation".

Now, I apply the heterosexually complementary pairs of words from Post # V to the topic of time. Thus:

The past effects the future; while the future affects the past.

The past informs the future; while the future transforms the past.

and The past defines the future; while the future transforms the past.

If I recall correctly, Hinduism teaches that apparent 'reality' is an illusion. Somewhat similarly, according to this blogger's formulation above, the present is only an epiphenomenon that results from male-female, in the capacity of past-future, interaction. Male and female functioning are the actual phenomena.

The occasional perception associated with sexual intercourse that 'the Earth moved' may support this blogger's thesis that the reality of the present is not fixed.

None of the above necessarily disqualifies the pertinence and usefulness of classical or modern ideas about the universe of time and space - but posits that such are not 'free-standing' (ie, disembodied). And, indeed, any man who has related to more than one woman at a time can readily recognize how his situation has the kind of features associated with the contemporary concept of a multiverse - in the event, a psychosocial multiverse!

[As a possibly correlated reference, I note pages 58-64 of the June, 2010 edition of Scientific American : "Is Time an Illusion? - The concepts of time and change may emerge from a universe that, at root, is utterly static."]

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