Saturday, August 1, 2009


This blogger suspects that the original rendering of Genesis 1:1 was 'In the beginning God impregnated the heaven and the earth.'

Certainly, Genesis 1:2, "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep." is more than a little suggestive of female vaginal functioning. And, surely, "And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters" is readily analogous to the motion of a phallus leading to ejaculation.

This blogger submits that God's subsequent words, "Let there be light", etc., may be perceived as male 'soul' genetic input that animated and defined "the heaven and the earth" (viz, the laws of nature) in a process quite analogous to how the genes/chromosomes of a sperm cell inform/define the egg.

The God of Genesis 1 is, then, entirely and merely male; while every female life form is an incarnate "...heaven and the earth" for a male to impregnate - microscopically, macroscopically and psycho-socially.

[When a man says, "Let there be..." to a woman, she responds for him as did "the heaven and the earth" for God. But a woman has her own 'laws' - as nature (i.e., the heaven and the earth)had its own laws when responding for God. If the laws of nature had not provided for the possibility of light, God could have kept on saying, "Let there be light, etc." forever and no light, etc. would have ensured.]

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