Monday, August 3, 2009


Male 'paternalism' of the bad-old-days whereby a man expected everyone to believe in him as a father has been replaced by a politically-correct male 'maternalism' wherein a man expects everyone to believe in him as a mother. (In each case, the man plays the role of 'the be-all and end-all'.)

Thus, a politically-correct man does not work to make money to purchase food (the traditional male fathering role) for his wife to prepare and cook (the traditional female mothering role) but, rather, demonstrates a compulsion to do the food preparation and cooking himself regardless of who has financed the purchase of the food. (Commonly, the female kitchen role is now limited to washing the dishes.)

This blogger suspects that this psycho-social 'breast' functioning of a man may, over the course of decades, result in a diminution of his physical phallic functioning - hence the epidemic of impotence, now known as "erectile dysfunction".

This hypothesis could readily be tested by seeing whether there is, in fact, a correlation between male family food preparation (as distinct from working as a chef in a restaurant) and the incidence of the currently famous E.D.

Addendum: The traditional Christian Grace before a meal thanks God for (directly) providing the food. God is implicitly ascribed an androgynous status as though he has a female functioning breast.

In the Jewish tradition, I understand, the pre-meal Blessing thanks God who (indirectly) through the Earth has provided the food. God is not perceived as having breast capacity; and a Jewish woman naturally takes her place qua nature in the preparation and serving of a meal.

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